Federal Defense
in South Carolina

We protect your reputation, career, and freedom.

Federal investigations and charges can destroy hard-earned reputations, end careers, and even result in imprisonment. Our firm provides the legal expertise necessary for clients to avoid or minimize the harm that can come from complex federal investigations and charges. As a former federal and state prosecutor, Nathan has worked on both sides of the courtroom—no other legal experience is more advantageous to you as a client than this.

Featured Appearances

Recent Successes

In the past year, our office has obtained dismissals in 36 separate cases for charges including:

Felony theft and breach of trust, felony and misdemeanor assault, federal and state illegal possession of a firearm, DUI, pointing and presenting a firearm, and other offenses.

Our office has helped over 15 individuals investigated for federal and state crimes avoid charges in the past year. Relevant offenses include:

Federal contractor fraud, PPP loan fraud, federal false claims fraud, state attempted murder, state criminal sexual assault, federal and state prescription fraud by a licensed doctor, state felony and misdemeanor hit and run, and state Medicare and Medicaid fraud, among other charges.

Target Letter from the South Carolina Attorney General's Office Securities Division

Represented an individual who received a target letter from the South Carolina Attorney General's Office Securities Division, which looked into the security activities of the individual's company and the disposition of over $300,000.00. After negotiations, charges were declined.

Assault and Destruction of Property

Represented an individual charged with Assault and Destruction of Property. The charges were dismissed and expunged from her record.

Hit and Run Involving Serious Injury

Represented an individual who had been in a severe car accident and was accused of Hit and Run Involving Serious Injury. After negotiations, no charges were issued.

Federal Trade Commission Investigation and Lawsuit

Represented a witness on a Federal Trade Commission investigation and lawsuit, who, with representation, avoided any criminal or civil liability.

Fraud Accusations

We represented an individual charged with fraud. The charges were dismissed and permanently expunged from his record.

Federal Grand Jury Subpoena

Represented an attorney who received a federal grand jury subpoena for client records. After negotiations with the U.S. Attorney's Office, the warrant was withdrawn.

Murder, Burglary First Degree, and Unlawful Gun Possession

Represented an individual charged with Murder, Burglary First Degree, and Unlawful Gun Possession. At the start of the trial, the individual faced a mandatory thirty-year to life sentence if convicted as charged. After four days of trial and during the State's final witness, the individual was offered a plea agreement that resulted in a three-and-a-half-year sentence with reduced charges.

FBI Investigation Into Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) Fraud

Represented a witness in an FBI investigation into Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) fraud. With assistance, the individual avoided any criminal or civil liability.

Controlled Substance and Record-Keeping Offenses Accusations

Represented a doctor charged with controlled substance and record-keeping offenses by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. The charges were dismissed and expunged from her record.

Represented a second doctor who was investigated for prescription fraud by state and federal authorities, but after negotiations with the investigators, the doctor was not charged.

Professional, Engaging, and Highly Effective

“Nathan Williams has a mastery of courtroom procedures, with the right mix of confidence and humility. He is highly capable in his ability to cross-examine a witness and to adapt quickly to sometimes unexpected responses. Mr. Williams’ has my highest respect, and my fellow jurors were most impressed by his performance in the trial where lesser attorneys would not have achieved the same result.”

Jury foreperson in United States v. Latham et al., 2:13-CR-330

We have over 24 years of criminal law experience and 14 years of federal criminal expertise in South Carolina. We have tried over 100 jury trials to verdict, including over 20 federal cases. Our federal experience representing individuals and corporations is unrivaled.

What You Can Expect

That’s precisely the experience and knowledge we will use to help you. As the founding attorney, you can count on me to work one-on-one with you. All messages and calls are returned on the same day, usually within an hour. Together, we will get the results you need.

Recent Media Coverage

Channel 5 Charleston
January 2025

Discussed the potential for pardons and dismissals for January 6 defendants and the current status of January 6 federal prosecutions.

The Washington Post
February 2023

Discuss current practices and policies of the United States Department of Justice and how it applies to the federal death penalty.

November 2022

Insights on the Colorado Springs mass shooting and the defendant’s use of a binary pronoun.

NTD Evening News
August 2022

Federal prisoner swaps, specifically the national case of American basketball player Brittney Griner.

The Washington Post
July 2022

Current approaches the Justice Department uses in applying the federal death penalty.

The State Newspaper
March 2022

Nathan Williams, a federal prosecutor for Dylann Roof’s case, announces new private practice.

No Other Firm Brings The Experience And Track Record Of Success To The Table.